Vorticity, Variance, and the Vigor of Many-Body Phenomena in Ultracold Quantum Systems: MCTDHB and MCTDH-X

During the past year of the MCTDHB project at the HLRS, we continued to strive and conquest further applications, developments, and expansion of the MultiConfigurational Time-Dependent Hartree for Bosons (MCTDHB) method in the context of ultracold atomic systems. We also announce the MCTDH-X package, the Multiconfigurational Time-Dependent Hartree for Indistinguishable Particles X package, which is able to treat identical bosons and fermions, with or without spin/internal degrees of freedom, alike. Here we report on a plethora of results and versatile applications which include: (i) single-shot imaging of fluctuating vortices in a fragmented Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC); (ii) the many-body tunneling and fragmetnation of vortices in 2D trapped BECs; (iii) the transition from vortices to solitonic vortices in 2D trapped BECs; (iv) the variance of a many-particle system being very sensitive to correlations even in the infinite-particle limit; (v) the consequences of the latter on the out-of-equilibrium uncertainty product of an evolving BEC; (vi) the mechanism of tunneling to open space of a few interacting polarized fermions; and (vii) composite fragmentation of multi-components BECs (i.e., with internal degrees of freedom). These are all exciting results made throughout the allocation of computer time by the HLRS to the MCTDHB project. Finally, further perspectives and future research plans are briefly discussed.

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