Advanced Hardware Implementation of the Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Technologies

A briefly overview on biological sources of inspiration for softening (soft) hardware is thought as useful for an easy understanding of EC in EHW implementation (Sanchez et al 1997). Natural Life on our planet just from its early beginning was structural organized in three distinct levels: phylogeny level – governing the temporal evolution of genetic programs within individuals and species; ontogeny level - the guidance of development process in single multicellular organisms (successive division of mother cell, followed by daughter cells specialisation or differentiation); epigenesis level – the learning process featuring the whole lifetime of an individual organism (nervous system, immune system, endocrine system are defined by the genome which is subject to modification through interactions of the individual with the environment). In analogy to Natural Life, EC is the artificial intelligence homologous part of natural phylogeny, self-reproducing automata are the homologous part of natural ontogeny and neural networks (NN) have an analogue behavior to epigenetic natural process in organisms.