An Analysis of a Model-based Evolutionary Algorithm: Learnable Evolution Model

AN ANALYSIS OF A MODEL-BASED EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM: LEARNABLE EVOLUTION MODEL Mark Coletti, PhD George Mason University, 2014 Dissertation Director: Dr. Kenneth De Jong An evolutionary algorithm (EA) is a biologically inspired metaheuristic that uses mutation, crossover, reproduction, and selection operators to evolve solutions for a given problem. Learnable Evolution Model (LEM) is an EA that has an evolutionary algorithm component that works in tandem with a machine learner to collaboratively create populations of individuals. The machine learner infers rules from best and least t individuals, and then this knowledge is exploited to improve the quality of o spring. Unfortunately, most of the extant work on LEM has been ad hoc, and so there does not exist a deep understanding of how LEM works. And this lack of understanding, in turn, means that there is no set of best practices for implementing LEM. For example, most LEM implementations use rules that describe value ranges corresponding to areas of higher tness in which o spring should be created. However, we do not know the e cacy of di erent approaches for sampling those intervals. Also, we do not have su cient guidance for assembling training sets of positive and negative examples from populations from which the ML component can learn. This research addresses those open issues by exploring three di erent rule interval sampling approaches as well as three di erent training set con gurations on a number of test problems that are representative of the types of problems that practitioners may encounter. Using the machine learner to create o spring induces a unique emergent selection pressure separate from the selection pressure that manifests from parent and survivor selection; an outcome of this research is a partially ordered set of the impact that these rule interval sampling approaches and training set con gurations have on this selection pressure that practitioners can use for implementation guidance. That is, a practitioner can modulate selection pressure by traversing a set of design con gurations within a Hasse graph de ned by partially ordered selection pressure. Chapter 1: Introduction In this chapter I rst brie y describe evolutionary algorithms and Model-based Evolutionary Algorithms (MBEAs). I then discuss my motivation for focusing on a speci c MBEA, Learnable Evolution Model (LEM), and the approach I used to addressing its open issues. Finally, I relate the contributions I made towards our understanding of this algorithm. 1.1 Evolutionary Algorithms Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are a biologically inspired approach to problem solving, and their very nature makes it straightforward to construct an EA to solve a given problem. That is, posed solutions to real-world solutions can be recast as individuals in an arti cial ecosystem where their respective quality serves as a measure of tness. Then parent selection, survival-of-thettest, and reproduction processes similar to their biological analogs can, over time, \breed" better solutions. EAs have been successfully applied in this way to a variety of problems that include real-value function optimization, job-shop scheduling, planning, design, and so on [De Jong, 2006]. Generally, an evolutionary algorithm consists of a set of individuals that each represents a proposed solution to a problem of interest. Associated with each individual is a tness value that indicates the quality of that solution. Each individual is comprised of a set of genes that re ect some aspect of the problem to be solved. E.g., one set of genes may represent design parameters for an engine simulation, for a di erent problem the genes may represent a tour for a Traveling Salesman problem, and a still di erent set of genes may by comprised of an S-expression corresponding to a simple equation to solve a given problem. New individuals are created by selecting individuals to be parents and then using some form of reproduction to create o spring from those selected parents. Reproduction typically 1

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