Electrodesiccation of pigmented nevi; biopsy studies: a preliminary report.

This study is a preliminary investigation to determine the effects of electrodesiccation on pigmented nevi. It was felt that a study of the effects of trauma in the form of shave biopsy and light electrodesiccation with a follow-up excisional biopsy and careful histologic comparative studies would do much to advance the knowledge of the behavior of pigmented moles. This is a preliminary study, therefore, of over 100 such treated lesions. There is a point of view that partial removal of nevi, particularly employing electrodesiccation, may lead to the formation of malignant melanoma. There are some reports in the literature recommending wide, complete excision of all nevi and, for that matter, all pigmented lesions, and condemning electrodesiccation of any nevus, because the latter procedure is said to initiate, in certain instances, malignant change in moles. From a review of the literature, no investigation was found