Proetida - a new order of tril obites

During the course of studying early Ordovician faunas from Spits ber gen and Ireland (R.A. F.) and Lower Pala eozoic Proeti dae and Ota rionidae (R.M. O.), we were led independently to re­ examine critica lly the syste mati c position use d in the Treatise (Pa rt O) of the tr ilob it e fami­ lies Aula cop leurida e, Bathyur ida e, Celmi dae , Dimer opygidae , Glaphuridae , Otari onidae and Pro etidae , and the sub fam ily Hystr ic urina e. We now beli eve that together these families con­ stitute a majo r natu raI group of the Trilob ita -the order Proetida. In this paper we summa r­ ise the evidence for such a reor gani sation, which is based on exa mination of a wide vari ety of species of the group , and brief ly consider some asp ects of its evol ution . Vari ous inter ­ relati onship s between some of the fa

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