Immunological Activity of Chitin Derivatives

Previously, we have reported the immunological activities of chitin derivatives for the stimulation of non-specific host resistance in mice.1 Among derivatives of chitin tested, deacetylated chtin derivatives such as 70% deacetylated chitin (DAC-70) and 30% deacetylated chitin (DAC-30) were shown to have potent immunological activities for activation of peritoneal macrophages in vivo, suppression of Meth-A tumor cells in syngeneic BALB/c mice and stimulation of non-specific host resistance against Escherichia coli infection in mice. Recently, Suzuki et al.2,3 have reported that chitin and chitosan were effective for the protection of host against infection with Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus and against growth of Ehrlich and Sarcoma 180 ascites tumor.