Luciano Floridi's philosophy of technology : critical reflections

Part I: Information Ethics and The Method of Levels of Abstraction.- 1.Floridi's Information Ethics as Macro-Ethics and Info-Computational Agent-Based Models Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic.- 2.Artificial Agents, Cloud Computing, and Quantum Computing: Applying Floridi's Method of Levels of Abstraction M.J. Wolf, F.S. Grodzinsky and K.W. Miller.- 3.Levels of Abstraction and Morality Richard Lucas.- 4.The Homo poieticus and the Bridge between Physis and Techne Federica Russo.- Part II: The Information Revolution and Alternative Categorizations of Technological Advancements.- 1. In the Beginning Was the Word and Then Four Revolutions in the History of Information Anthony F. Beavers.- 2. I Mean It! (And I Cannot Help It): Cognition and (Semantic) Information Valeria Giardino.- Part III: Applications: Education, Internet and Information Science.- 1.What Happens to Infoteachers and Infostudents after the Information Turn? Elena Pasquinelli.- 2. Content Net Neutrality - A Critic Raphael Cohen-Almagor.- 3. Information Science and Philosophy of Information: Approaches and Differences Armando Malheiro da Silva and Fernanda Ribeiro.- Part IV: Epistemic and Ontic Aspects of the Philosophy of Information.- 1. Skepticism and Information Eric T. Kerr and Duncan Pritchard.- 1. Levels of Abstraction Levels of Reality Joseph E. Brenner.- 2. The Floridian Notion of the Information Object Steve T. McKinlay.- Part V:.- 1. The Road to the Philosophy of Information Luciano Floridi.