Large scale clear-water local pier scour experiments

Local clear-water scour tests were performed with three different diameter circular piles (0.114, 0.305, and 0.914 m), three different uniform cohesionless sediment diameters (0.22, 0.80, and 2.90 mm) and a range of water depths and flow velocities. The tests were performed in the 6.1 m wide, 6.4 m deep, and 38.4 m long flume at the United States Geological Survey Conte Research Center in Turners Falls, Mass. These tests extend local scour data obtained in controlled experiments to prototype size piles and ratios of pile diameter to sediment diameter to 4,155. Supply water for this flow through flume was supplied by a hydroelectric power plant reservoir and the concentration of suspended fine sediment (wash load) could not be controlled. Equilibrium scour depths were found to depend on the wash load concentration.