국도포장 유지보수 공법 및 시기에 따른 편익산정 방안

PURPOSES : This study aims at proposing the methodology for benefit evaluations in pavement maintenance methods and timings using KoPMS(Korean Pavement Management System) software which was developed for efficient pavement management. METHODS : This study classified pavement sections into 4 clusters considering AADT(Annual Average Daily Traffic) and ESAL(Equivalent Single-Axle Load) using cluster analysis and used the deterioration models in each cluster. Increased user costs due to pavement deterioration as time goes by and agent costs for maintenance were estimated. Based on deterioration model and KoPMS software, Methodology for benefit evaluation was proposed in pavement maintenance methods and with/without implementation using real pavement section data. RESULTS : This study verified that considering agent costs only would be constrained to decide pavement maintenance methods and timings, and ascertained that decision making with agent and user costs would be effective. In addition, this study revealed that pavement maintenance methods and timings can be affected by AADT and ESAL and frequent pavement maintenances can be more efficient for benefits in pavement sections with more AADT and ESAL. Also this study found that user costs would be more affected to decision making than agent costs. Moreover, Delay of conducting pavement maintenance caused increased vehicle operating costs and environmental costs because of poor conditions of pavements. CONCLUSIONS: This study proposed LCCA and benefit estimation methodology of pavement with considering agent and user costs. The results of this study can be used for baseline data of efficient pavement asset management.