The problem of sequence recombination has important applications in computational molecular biology. Recently, a distance problem involving recombination consisting of a single crossover was proposed. The problem is to generate a given set of sequences 𝒜 from a given pair of sequences 𝒮 in a minimum number of recombination (i.e., crossover) operations. For an arbitrary class 𝒜 of sequences, the computational complexity of the problem has not yet been settled so it is interesting to find polynomially solvable cases for this kind of recombination distance problem. In recent papers [Y. He and T. Chen, Optimal algorithms for recombination distance problem, Optim. Methods and Soft. 18 (2003), pp. 647–655], [S. Wu and X. Gu, A greedy algorithm for optimal recombination. Proceedings of COCOON2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2108, 2001, 86–90], special classes of sequences called ‘tree’ and ‘chain’ were proposed, and polynomial time algorithms were designed for optimally generating tree and chain classes, respectively. In this paper, we define a new class 𝒜 of sequences, called generalized chain, which greatly extends the definition of chain class by ignoring some restrictive conditions. We distinguish a generalized chain into three cases: continuous chain, discontinuous chain and mixed chain. Then we present optimal algorithms for dealing with all cases of a generalized chain. All algorithms run in polynomial time.
John D. Kececioglu,et al.
Reconstructing a history of recombinations from a set of sequences
SODA '94.
Grace Jordison.
Molecular Biology of the Gene
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.
Bin Ma,et al.
Fixed topology alignment with recombination
Discrete Applied Mathematics.
K. Mather.
Genetic Recombination
J. Hein.
A heuristic method to reconstruct the history of sequences subject to recombination
Journal of Molecular Evolution.
Ting Chen,et al.
Optimal algorithms for recombination distance problem
Optim. Methods Softw..
Xun Gu,et al.
A Greedy Algorithm for Optimal Recombination