The limited view of the problem-solving space that is held by the world of science is criticized. A problem solution is considered to be achieved when a perceived present situation and a perceived desired situation become the same. The problem-solving space is three dimensional, and its three vectors are concerned with problem taxonomy, problem-solving modes, and problem-solving process. The space takes on greater meaning when it is related to the fourth dimension called the chronology of problem solving. This chronology includes four primary phases: personalization, collaboration, institutionalization, and socialization. A case is made that the scientific or rationalistic view of problem solving is limited in the collaboration phase and has no relevance in the institutionalization and socialization phases. A holistic view of problem solving is concerned with the relationship between the problem-solving chronology and the ultimate implementation of solutions.
E. Rogers,et al.
Diffusion of Innovations
T. Kuhn,et al.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
G. Lockhead.
Cognition and Thought
R. Rosenthal.
Experimenter effects in behavioral research
R. Rosenthal,et al.
Artifact in behavioral research
Herbert A. Simon,et al.
The Sciences of the Artificial
Allen Newell,et al.
Human problem solving: The state of the theory in 1970.
On the Methodology of Solution Synthesis
André L. Delbecq,et al.
A Group Process Model for Problem Identification and Program Planning