Photostimulated recombination processes in x-irradiated CsCdF3:Mn crystals

Fluoride crystals with the perovskite structure doped with rare-earth ions and other activators are interesting materials for laser hosts, scintillators, and detectors of ionizing radiation. Therefore, an actual task is to clarify the structure of the radiation-induced defects and recombination processes in these crystals. Compared to other fluoroperovskites, considerably less information is available concerning to the radiation-induced processes in the CsCdF3 crystals. We present a study of photostimulated luminescence (PSL) in the previously x-irradiated CsCdF3 crystal doped with Mn (0.05%). After the x-irradiation of the crystal, optical stimulation at 320 nm leads to the appearance of 300- and 550-nm luminescence bands. Previous studies of the fluoride crystals doped with Mn2+-like ions let us ascribe the luminescence at 550 nm to the Mn2+ luminescence. Analysis of the temperature dependence, spectral position, and stimulation spectrum of the PSL band at 300 nm allows us to suggest that it appears because of the electron recombination with self- trapped holes. According to the Mollwo-Ivey relation for halide crystals the stimulation band at 325 nm seems to be F- type center absorption band.