Learning, explaining and communicating science with student-created blended media

The goal of this study was to trial the feasibility of using a new assignment in a science methods course for trainee primary teachers focusing on “student-created blended media”. This form integrates video with animation and static images, all linked by a narration, that students create to explain a science concept for the purpose of teaching someone. There were 129 students in the course spread across four locations and each was allocated a science topic to explain. Two hours of the course were allocated to teaching students the skills of making blended media and they then used their own technology such as mobile phones, digital still cameras and free movie making software on their own computers. Results showed that all 129 successfully make the blended media in their own time using their own technology. A wide variety of blended media were submitted. Three of the preservice teachers who volunteered to be interviewed to explain their experiences stated that the process helped them to learn science and all enjoyed the experience and preferred this to writing an essay. Further studies will need to be conducted to confirm these findings and to validate the quality of science learning involved.