As an engineering institution, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has had a powerful influence upon the program development process at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) . Accreditation is one piece of evidence that suggests the quality of CSM’s engineering programs. All of CSM’s undergraduate engineering programs are ABET accredited. Current ABET accreditation requirements reflect a philosophical shift that is consistent with the broader education community . In the past, the demonstration of a quality program was examined through in-direct measures, such as faculty qualifications and student placement information that are related to student learning. Current requirements place an emphasis upon the direct demonstration that the program has an impact upon what students know and can do. Although indirect measures continue to be a portion of the evidential base, they are now considered to be only a small piece of a broader requirement.
S. Sheppard,et al.
Freshman engineering design experiences and organizational framework
C. G. Masi.
Re-engineering engineering education
David G. Ullman,et al.
The Mechanical Design Process
J. R. Dixon.
New goals for engineering education
J. Gosink,et al.
A Multidisciplinary Engineering Laboratory Course
Jeffrey E. Froyd,et al.
First‐Year Integrated Curricula: Design Alternatives and Examples *