La revista Ciencias Marinas y su factor de impacto mundial The journal Ciencias Marinas and its worldwide impact factor
This article deals with a short analysis of the journals indexed by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) in Mexico and their wordwide impact. It also compares the impact factor of the journal Ciencias Marinas to other journals related to marine sciences around the world, as well as their impact according to the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), based on the volumes of the Journal Citation Index (JCR). In respect to Ciencias Marinas, it was first integrated to ISI products by appearing in Current Contents back in 1992, with an aproximate impact factor of 0.22; this was calculated again in 1995 rising to 0.24. From 1995 to 1996, Ciencias Marinas five-folded its number of cites, and by 2000, it reached an impact factor of 0.333. The journal Ciencias Marinas thanks the hundreds of authors and coathors of the articles that were published in our journal since 1974 until 1997. Thanks to you, to your effort and contributions to Science, Ciencias Marinas has reached the quality standards that allow the satisfaction of being indexed among ISI products, neither being this its only pride nor the most important.