According to the theory, a combination of the highly regulated external labour market and the internal rigidity would induce organisational inefficiency. Evidence suggests that theoretically unexpected results of that combination prevailed in Slovenia. Under the pressure of the competition on the international markets, Slovene companies, being trapped in the combination of the two rigidities, were determined to compete on the basis of work intensification. The surviving coalition, based on the exchange between the managers (demanding work intensification) on the one hand, and trade unions (defending employees ' wage and job stability) on the other, was formed. Within the logic of the exchange, trade unions actively participated in the fight for companies ' survival. As a specific entrepreneurial utilisation of the internal oppositional power, the inclusion of such trade unions enabled non-conflicting work intensification and survival of numerous, usually comparatively technologically less developed Slovene organisations. Nach der Theorie schafft die Kombination eines regulierten externen Arbeitsmarktes mit einer internen Unnachgiebigkeit eine organisationeile Ineffizienz. Es gibt Anzeichen, dass theoretisch unerwartete Egebnisse in Slovenien vorherrschen. Unter dem Druck des Wettbewerbes auf internationalen Markten waren slowenische Firmen gezwungen, auf der Basis der Arbeitsintensivierung zu konkurrieren. Eine Koalition, basierend auf dem Austausch zwischen Managern und Gewerkschaften wurde geformt. Innerhalb des Austausches beteiligten die Gewerkschaften sich aktiv am Kampf um das Uberleben der Unternehmen. Als eine spezifische unternehmerische Nutzung der internen Oppositionsmacht ermoglichte die Einbindung dieser Gewerkschaften eine konfliktfreie Arbeitsintensivierung und das Uberleben von zahlreichen, technisch nicht entwickelten slowenischen Unternehmungen.
J. Goldthorpe,et al.
Order and Conflict in Contemporary Capitalism
W. Streeck.
Neo-corporatist industrial relations and the economic crisis in West Germany
Marino Regini,et al.
Firms and Institutions: The Demand for Skills and their Social Production in Europe
The Dynamics of Employee Relations
Wolfgang Streeck,et al.
Social Institutions and Economic Performance: Studies of Industrial Relations in Advanced Capitalist Economies
M. Stanojević.
Industrial Relations in ‘Post-Communism’: Workplace Co- operation in Hungary and Slovenia
How the Social Partners View Direct Participation: A Comparative Study of 15 European Countries
David Marsden,et al.
A Theory of Employment Systems: Micro-Foundations of Societal Diversity
Comment on Ronald Dore, ‘Rigidities in the Labour Market’
John Storey,et al.
The Realities Of Human Resource Management: Managing The Employment Relationship
R. Dore.
Rigidities in the Labour Market
Government and Opposition.