Occultations by Pluto and Charon observed by the PHOT team, 2011 June 23 and 27

The PHOT (Portable High-speed Occultation Telescope) team is chasing two bright occultations by the Pluto system on June 23 and June 27, 2011. Both stars are very bright in the IR, being brighter than Pluto in I, J, H, and K. The June 27 star is brighter than Pluto in B and V as well (Table 1). The June 23 star is occulted by both Pluto and Charon, and the June 27 star is occulted by both Pluto and Hydra. We report in this abstract our plans for the Pluto and Charon observations, as of May 31, 2011. We will report on our results at the meeting. Table 1: Overview of targets