Recent advances in the construction of Hadamard matrices have depeaded on the existence of Baumert-Hall arrays and four (1, −1) matrices A B C Dof order m which are of Williamson type, that is they pair-wise satisfy i) MNT = NMT , ∈ {A B C D} and ii) AAT + BBT + CCT + DDT = 4mIm . It is shown that Williamson type matrices exist for the orders m = s(4 − 1)m = s(4s + 3) for s∈ {1, 3, 5, …, 25} and also for m = 93. This gives Williamson matrices for several new orders including 33, 95,189. These results mean there are Hadamard matrices of order i) 4s(4s −1)t, 20s(4s − 1)t,s ∈ {1, 3, 5, …, 25}; ii) 4s(4:s + 3)t, 20s(4s + 3)t s ∈ {1, 3, 5, …, 25}; iii) 4.93t, 20.93t for t ∈ {1, 3, 5, … , 61} ∪ {1 + 2 a 10 b 26 c a b c nonnegative integers}, which are new infinite families. Also, it is shown by considering eight-Williamson-type matrices, that there exist Hadamard matrices of order 4(p + 1)(2p + l)r and 4(p + l)(2p + 5)r when p ≡ 1 (mod 4) is a prime power, 8ris the order of a Plotkin array, and, in the second c...
Jennifer Seberry,et al.
A skew-Hadamard matrix of order 92
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.
J. Seberry.
Some matrices of Williamson type
Albert Leon Whiteman.
An Infinite Family of Hadamard Matrices of Williamson Type
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.
J. J. Seidel,et al.
Orthogonal Matrices with Zero Diagonal
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
Richard J. Turyn.
An Infinite Class of Williamson Matrices
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.
Jennifer Seberry,et al.
Cyclotomy, Hadamard arrays and supplementary difference sets
A. Street,et al.
Combinatorics: room squares, sum-free sets, Hadamard matrices
Jennifer Wallis,et al.
A construction for Hadamard arrays
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.
Morris Plotkin.
Decomposition of Hadamard Matrices
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.