Teachers' College
After successfully passing the Dissertation Oral Defense, the candidate will receive corrections from the Dissertation Oral Defense Committee. If the Defense was a Line 1 (minor revisions), the candidate will only need to work directly with the Sponsor. If the Defense was a Line 2 (major revisions), the candidate will need to work with the assigned Dissertation Corrections Committee which consists of two members of the Committee: the Sponsor and one other member. Upon completion of all corrections of the Dissertation Oral Defense Committee, the Sponsor or Dissertation Corrections Committee will approve the manuscript should it be deemed worthy of submission. The candidate will then make the First Deposit of the Dissertation Manuscript to the Office of Doctoral Studies. The following two items are required for the First Deposit: 1) The signed original Approval of the Dissertation Manuscript form sign by either the candidate’s Dissertation Sponsor (Line 1) or Dissertation Corrections Committee (Line 2). 2) A full copy of the corrected Dissertation Manuscript formatted as per Appendix A of the Teachers College “Style Manual.” The enclosed Abstract will be initialed by the Sponsor noting his/her approval.