The NMR blood flowmeter--applications.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) permits the noninvasive measurement of blood flow signals unimpaired by clothes, bandages, casts, etc. The cylindrical crossed-coil NMR blood flowmeter was used to measure blood flow through a cross-section of the human forearm. Two calibration procedures are described: one for pulsatile flows and the other for flows with a high non-pulsatile component. Flow measurements from normal arms, from limbs with arterial obstruction, arteriovenous hemodialysis fistulas or other conditions are reported. An application of the flow scanning technique for separation of flow signals from individual arteries (e.g., ulnar and radial) is described. The flat crossed-coil NMR flowmeter was applied to detect blood flow from individual arteries (e.g., brachial, popliteal, etc.). Applications of a ranging technique developed to detect signals at predetermined depths are described.