Named Data Networking for Software Defined Vehicular Networks

Named data networking and software defined networking share mutual courage in changing legacy networking architectures. In the case of NDN, IP-based communication has been tackled by naming the data or content itself, while SDN proposes to decouple the control and data planes to make various services manageable without physical interference with switches and routers. Both NDN and SDN also support communication via heterogeneous interfaces and have been recently investigated for vehicular networks. Na�ve VNs are based on the IP-based legacy, which is prone to several issues due to the dynamic network topology among other factors. In this article, we first see both SDN and NDN enabled VNs from a bird's eye view, and for the very first time, we present an architecture that combines SDN functionalities within VNs to retrieve the required content using NDN. Moreover, we discuss a number of current research challenges and provide a precise roadmap that can be considered for the research community to jointly address such challenges.

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