The Motor City and Much More: Chemists and chemical engineers could spend an intensive week in the motor city and never see an automobile production line—it takes a heap of chemical and process industry to make an automobile
ONLY a little more than 50 years ago Charles B. King drove his fire-sporting horseless carriage past the Detroit City Hall at the fabulous speed of 15 miles an hour and threw the city into confusion. There was an uproar, especially among the horses, and a defensive city council passed an ordinance limiting the unearthly vehicle's speed to three miles an hour. But that was only a few months before Henry Ford rolled his gasoline buggy down Woodward Ave. in the birth of a new industry which brought to Detroit the title of "The Motor City" and changed the city's mind about the horrors of the automobile. The dominating effect of this industry has been so great that most of the people in the world probably think mostly of automobiles at the mention of Detroit. But there are some chemists around the city who can show their colleagues at the third session ...