Equations of state and phase boundary for stishovite and CaCl 2-type SiO 2 2 3

30 Silica is thought to be present in the Earth’s lower mantle in subducting plates, in 31 addition to being a prototypical solid whose physical properties are of broad interest. It is known 32 to undergo a phase transition from stishovite to the CaCl2-type structure at ~50–80 GPa, but the 33 exact location and slope of the phase boundary in pressure-temperature space is unresolved. 34 There have been many previous studies on the equation of state of stishovite, but they span a 35 limited range of pressures and temperatures, and there has been no thermal equation of state of 36 CaCl2-type SiO2 measured under static conditions. We have investigated the phase diagram and 37 equations of state of silica at 21–89 GPa and up to ~3300 K using synchrotron X-ray diffraction 38 in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The phase boundary between stishovite and CaCl2-type 39 SiO2 can be approximately described as T = 64.6(49)*P – 2830(350), with temperature T in 40 Kelvin and pressure P in GPa. The stishovite data imply K0' = 5.24(9) and a quasi-anharmonic T 41 dependence of –6.0(4)  10 GPa*cm/mol/K for a fixed q = 1, ɣ0 = 1.71, and K0 = 302 GPa, 42 while for the CaCl2-type phase K0 = 341(4) GPa, K0' = 3.20(16), and ɣ0 = 2.14(4) with other 43 parameters equal to their values for stishovite. The behaviors of the a and c axes of stishovite 44 with pressure and temperature were also fit, indicating a much more compressible c axis with a 45 lower thermal expansion as compared to the a axis. The phase transition between stishovite and 46

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