Computer vision and image processing
On the use of morphological operators in a class of edge detectors, L. Hertz and R.W. Schafer a valley-seeking threshold selection technique, S.C. Sahasrabudhe and K.S. Das Gupta local characteristics of binary images and their application to the automatic control of low-level robot vision, P.W. Pachowicz corner detection and localization in a pyramid, S. Baugher and A. Rosenfeld parallel-hierarchical image partitioning and region extraction, G.N. Khan and D.F. Gillies invariant architectures for low-level vision, L. Jacobson and H. Wechsler representation - primitives chain code, L. O'Gorman generalized cones - useful geometric properties, K. Rao and G. Medioni vision-based rendering - image synthesis for vision feature algorithms, J.D. Yates, et al recognition - investigation of a number of character recognition algorithms, A.A. Verikas, et al log-polar mapping applied to pattern representation and recognition, J.C. Wilson and R.M. Hodgson pattern recognition of binary image objects using morphological shape decomposition, I. Pitas and N.D. Sidiropoulos a pattern classification approach to multi-level thresholding for image segmentation, J.G. Postaire and M. Ameziane KOR - a knowledge-based object recognition system, C.M. Lee, et al shape decomposition based on perceptual structure, H.S. Kim and K.H. Park three dimensional - the Frobenius metric in image registration, K. Zikan and T.M. Silberberg binocular fusion revisited utilizing a log-polar tessellation, N.C. Griswold, et al an expert system for recovering 3D shape and orientation from a single view, W.J. Shomar, et al integrating intensity and range sensing to construct 3D polyhedra representation, W.N. Lie, et al notes - texture segmentation using topographic labels, T.C. Pong, et al an improved algorithm for labelling connected components in a binary image, X.D. Yang a note on the paper "The Visual Potential - One Convex Polygon", A. Laurentini a string descriptor for matching partial shapes, H.C. Liu and M.D. Srinath formulation and error analysis for a generalized image point correspondence algorithm, S. Fotedar, et al a new surface tracking system in 3D binary images, L.W. Chang and M.J. Tsai.