StudyonFresh FishSorting Techniques

TABLEI Abstract- Commercial Fishsorting isalabour-intensive task. .. . . 1 ~~~~~~~~~~DEGREES OFCOMPLEXITYINFISHSORTING Itisalso a repetitive monotonousoperation inon-land andon commercial vessels. Thisusually causes highlabour turn-over in Complexity_Level _Characteristics_of_Objects relevant industries. Alternatively, sorting offish usingartificial Complexity LevelCharacteristics ofObjects intelligence canreduce production costs andproduce better yield Level I Oriented with asmall distance between them. withconsistent quality. Thispaper presents acomparative study Level 2 Notoriented with asmall distance between them. Onthevarious techniques offish sorting bysize. EarlyresultsLevel 3 Oriented, touching eachother andnotoverlapping. showedthatautomation canincrease thereliability ofsortingLevel 5 Notoriented andoverlapping. andcategorization offresh fish. Also, theapplication ofindustrial automation hasproven toimprove theoverall efficiency through thereduction oflabour costandfish damageinmanualhandling. Thestudy hasshownwhile there isnosatisfactory commercial seaonboardresearch vessels. Thisrequires anaccurate, product fortheautomation offish sorting bysize; computer- rapid methodformeasuring thelength offish. basedattempted methods haveshownlots ofpromise. Automatic sorting offish size isachallenging andcomplex ~~~~~B) Visual comparison against afixed ruler,