Further Studies on the Preparation of Low Sodium Chloride-containing Soy Sauce by Using Ornithyltaurine Hydrochloride and Its Related Compounds

Low sodium chloride-containing soy sauce samples were prepared by adding salty peptide and its related compounds to pre-soy sauce. The soy sauce obtained by adding Orn-Tau·HCI was very similar to commercial soy sauce in that it exhibited unadulterated saltiness and a good relative balance between salty and umami tastes. The soy sauce obtained by adding Gly-OEt·HCI exhibited a slightly stronger salty taste, while the one obtained by adding Lys·HCI had a slightly weaker salty taste at high concentrations than commercial soy sauce. The soy sauce obtained with added KCI produced a stronger umami taste at all concentrations than the commercial type. The influence of ingredients other than NaCI and MSG in soy sauce (amino acids, acids, sugars, and alcohol) on the salty and umami tastes of soy sauce was also studied. In comparison with the NaCI substituents studied here, these compounds were not as effective for influencing the apparent intensity of the taste of soy sauce when they were individually added.