Pedagogical Analysis of Content Authoring Tools for Engineering Curriculum

Developing customized and interactive learning material for engineering curriculum by teachers, in order to meet individual requirements of students can enhance the teaching-learning process. A number of available content authoring tools have been classified according to various dimensions. However, selecting the appropriate authoring tool is a difficult task for instructors, in the absence of selection criteria aligned with instructional goals. Considering the goal of creating educational content, the classification criteria for authoring tools need to emphasize on the teaching-learning perspective. In this paper, we analyse content authoring tools on the basis of their pedagogical features. We propose selection criteria based on the principles derived from learning theories and best teaching-learning practices which contain dimensions of pedagogy, technology and usability. We apply the criteria to some of the existing content authoring tools and identify three tools which satisfy the criteria. We then present data on teachers' perspective about the effectiveness of these tools for their teaching practice.