Four Paradigms of Information Systems Development Developing computer-based information systems necessarily in volves making

All systems developers approach the development task of systems failures. (The importance of implicit assumpwith a number of explicit and implicit assumptions tions has also been noted more generally in [3,4, 76, about the nature of human organizations, the nature of 80, 891). We agree with the previous research that a the design task, and what is expected of them. These better understanding of developer assumptions is imassumptions play a central role in guiding the informaportant and we wish to extend the line of inquiry. In tion systems development (ISD) process. They also draparticular, we feel there is a need to explore the most matically affect the system itself. This article will exfundamental foundations from where such assumptions amine the kinds of implicit assumptions made during arise, and this is done by applying a philosophical line systems development. of analysis. Depending on the assumptions adopted, different systems development approaches are identifiable and each of these leads to different system outcomes. Based on a detailed analysis of the literature, we will examine the fundamental assumptions of four major kinds of systems development approaches and discuss how they lead to different outcomes. More specifically, we wish to show (1) that although there is a strong, orthodox approach to systems development, there are recently developed alternatives that are based on fundamentally different sets of assumptions; (2) that these assumptions primarily deal with the attitudes adopted toward reality and how to obtain knowledge about it; (3) that these assumptions are either explicitly or implicitly made in adopting a particular development approach: (4) that the ways in which system objectives are legitimized are directly related to the development approach adopted; and (5) that important social consequences result from applying a particular systems development approach. The article is organized as follows. We begin by introducing two case examples that illustrate how different systems development assumptions become manifest in practice. These assumptions are then grouped into four paradigms of information systems development and explained in detail. The rhetorical vehicle used for explicating the paradigms are generic story types. The paradigms are analyzed using the story types, dividing the discussion into three parts: story line, interpretation, and analysis. We return to the case examples to show how the manifest differences in the development process and outcomes can be explained by the four paradigms. We conclude by noting a number of benefits associated with the identification and analysis of the paradigms. The article provides a new vehicle for theorizing about the nature, purpose, and practice of information systems development.

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