Using a Small-Log Mobile Sawmill System to Contain Fuel Reduction Treatment Cost on Small Parcels

The Authors tested a mobile small-log sawmill system that could produce cants and boards of variable size, according to the needs and specifications of each property owner. The unit was deployed as part of a comprehensive mechanical fuel reduction operation, aimed at thinning small properties around homesteads. Working on conifer small logs, the mill proved very efficient, with a processing productivity between 0.3 and 2.8 m3 of lumber per working hour and a recovery rate of 50% for boards, and 67% for cants. The mill could be set up and dismantled in a few hours and was easy to move around. However, the exceedingly small amount of logs available at each site entailed a low utilization of the mill (about 25% of the time) and a consequently high processing cost. Under the conditions of the study, milling cost can be contained below 150 US dollars per m3 of lumber only if the single site offers at least 50 m3 of logs, already sorted during harvesting. Hence the suggestion of pooling the wood obtained from small parcel fuel reduction treatments in satellite yards and milling it only when a large enough amount has been accumulated. In turn, satellite yards could be organized into an integrated network complementary—rather than alternative—to stationary mills.