Business and Society: Corporate Strategy, Public Policy, Ethics

Part One. The Corporation in Society. 1. The Corporation and Its Stakeholders. 2. Business and Public Issues. Part Two. Business and the Social Environment. 3. Corporate Social Responsibility. 4. Socially Responsive Management. Part Three.Business and the Ethical Environment. 5. Ethical Dilemmas in Business. 6. Ethical Reasoning and Corporate Programs. Part Four. Business and Government in a Global Society. 7. The Corporation and Public Policy. 8. Managing Business-Government Relations. 9. Antitrust, Mergers, and Global Competition. Part Five. The Corporation and the Natural Environment. 10. Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Global Business. 11. Managing Environmental Issues. Part Six. Business and Technological Change. 12. Technology as a Social Issue. 13. Managing Technological Change. Part Seven. Responding to Stakeholders. 14. Stockholders and Corporate Governance. 15. Consumer Protection. 16. The Community and the Corporation. 17. Employees and the Corporation. Part Eight. Social Issues in Management. 18. Managing a Diverse Workforce. 19. Business and the Media. 20. Social Issues in a New Century. Case Studies in Corporate Social Policy. Odwalla and the E. Coli Outbreak. The Salt Lake City Olympics Bribery Scandal. Columbia/HCA and the Medicare Fraud Scandal. The Tobacco Wars. The Antitrust Case Against Microsoft. Dow Coming and the Silicone Breast Implant Controversy. Nike's Dispute with the University of Oregon. Shell in Nigeria. The Transformation of Shell.