PV moudule의 출력손실 저감요인 분석

The efficiency of solar cell was about 4[%] in initial stage of photovoltaic industry, but it has quite a lot of efficiency throught echnology advances.Today, the efficiency of c-Sisolar cells is about 17 to 19[%] and the efficiency of PV modules is about 14 to 15 [%].We called that electrical losses occurred in the Conversion of solar cellst to PV module sare CTM loss(Cell To Module loss),the CTM loss typically has a value of about3~5[%]. The more efficiency of solar cell increase, difference sare larger because the efficiency decrease owing to physical or technical problems occurredin the Conversion of solar cells to PV modules. In this study, the power loss factors occurred in the Conversion of solar cells to PV modules are analyzed and it is proposed that how to reduce losses of the PV module. Thetypes of power loss factor are ①?losses of front glass and encapsulant(generally EVA sheet), ②?losses by sorting miss, ③?losses by interconnection,? ④losses by the field aging of PV modules. In further study, experimental and evaluation will be conducted to make demonstrate for proposed solutions.