A business-oriented approach to maintenance

Maintenance managers are changing the way they understand and do their jobs. Where at one time they simply were responsible for keeping equipment running and in good performance, they now have responsibility for managing the business profitably. They have, as few people do in the mill, the knowledge about constraints and opportunities to improve mill runnability. A better understanding of how to run the mill for profit is becoming urgent. Pulp and paper mills are facing a chaotic market, with shrinking margins and low profits. Profitability is not only the result of production volumes, but also how well equipment is operating. Teamwork is the key to good management at mill sites. The team has to focus on the business and its profits, margins, savings, economic gains, and costs. Money is not a subject just for the concern of top management but for all. Simplification has become a required rule. Attention must be focused on technical, economical, social and environmental issues. This new management style can make the difference in competitiveness in the business arena.