Amodeltopredict anti-regressive effort inOpenSource Software
likely tomakeitincreasingly difficult toimplement new changes tothesoftware. Accumulated changes onasoftware system arenot Someofthedrivers forcomplexity growth are uniformly distributed. some elements arechangedrelated topeople rather than toprocesses ortools. For more often thanothers. Foroptimal impact, the instance, astime passes some oftheoriginal developers limited timeandeffort forcomplexity control, called ofa software system maydistance themselves froma anti-regressive work,shouldbe applied to the project, andasnew developers getinvolved, there isa elements ofthesystem whicharefrequently changed chance that tacit knowledge will beirremediably lost. andare complex.Based on this, we propose a Thesystem's structure will bechanged inahaphazard andl arecompl ex.Bsasedl on this, we propose a maintenance guidance model(MGM)whichistested wayandthearchitectural integrity willbedamaged. against real-world data.MGM takesintoaccout *Lackofknowledge about thesystem orlackofgood againsereral-dim