Universal Plans for Reactive Robots in Unpredictable Environments

To date, reactive robot behavior has been achieved only through manual programming. This paper describes a new kind of plan, called a "universal plan", which can be synthesized automatically, yet generates appropriate behavior in unpredictable environments. In classical planning work, problems were posed with unique initial and final world states; in my approach a problem specifies only a goal condition. The planner is thus unable to commit to any specific future course of events but must specify appropriate reactions for anticipated situations. An alternative conception is that one universal plan compactly represents every classical plan. Which part of the universal plan is executed depends entirely on how the environment behaves at execution time. Universal plans are constructed from state-space operator schemas by a nonlinear planner. They explicitly identify predicates requiring monitoring at each moment of execution, and provide for sabotage, serendipity and failure without requiring replanning.