Normogram from fetal kidney length by ultrasonographically

Foetal age estimation is very important. Foetal age canbe estimated by variety of parameters such as Femur length, Bi-Parietal diameter, Abdominal circumference, Humerus lengthand Foetal Kidney length. Previous studies by various authorsindicate that 30% of female forget their exact Last Menstrualperiod (LMP) [1, 2]. If exact LMP is not known then Expecteddate of delivery was not found. So these types of cases pose agrave challenge for treating doctor. Frequently in theemergency, unregistered antenatal cases come with the historyof accident as well as assault with bleeding per vaginum. Thesetypes of cases also need treatment or Medical termination under MTP act. So this study was aimed to produce normogram usingfoetal Kidney length by measuring it sonographically fromknown registered antenatal cases coming to Gian Sagar. TheNormogram was prepared with objective to use itretrospectively when LMP is not known to get foetal age usingfoetal kidney length