J/ψ Elliptic Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV.

We report a precise measurement of the J/ψ elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed at midrapidity (|y|<0.9) in the dielectron decay channel and at forward rapidity (2.5<y<4.0) in the dimuon channel, both down to zero transverse momentum. At forward rapidity, the elliptic flow v_{2} of the J/ψ is studied as a function of the transverse momentum and centrality. A positive v_{2} is observed in the transverse momentum range 2<p_{T}<8  GeV/c in the three centrality classes studied and confirms with higher statistics our earlier results at sqrt[s_{NN}]=2.76  TeV in semicentral collisions. At midrapidity, the J/ψ  v_{2} is investigated as a function of the transverse momentum in semicentral collisions and found to be in agreement with the measurements at forward rapidity. These results are compared to transport model calculations. The comparison supports the idea that at low p_{T} the elliptic flow of the J/ψ originates from the thermalization of charm quarks in the deconfined medium but suggests that additional mechanisms might be missing in the models.

G Eulisse | E Kryshen | C Cheshkov | P Buncic | F Antinori | B Hippolyte | D Adamová | F Colamaria | C Garabatos | P Giubilato | F Herrmann | S Bufalino | T Dahms | P Bartalini | M Agnello | J H Kang | M Borri | P Giubellino | B Di Ruzza | M Krivda | P Di Nezza | Y Kwon | J W Harris | M M Aggarwal | G Aglieri Rinella | Z Ahammed | S U Ahn | A Akindinov | D Aleksandrov | B Alessandro | R Alfaro Molina | A Alici | A Alkin | J Alme | T Alt | I Altsybeev | C Andrei | A Andronic | V Anguelov | T Antičić | P Antonioli | L Aphecetche | H Appelshäuser | S Arcelli | R Arnaldi | I C Arsene | M Arslandok | A Augustinus | R Averbeck | M D Azmi | A Badalà | Y W Baek | R Bailhache | R Bala | A Baldisseri | R C Baral | R Barbera | F Barile | G G Barnaföldi | L S Barnby | V Barret | N Bastid | G Batigne | B Batyunya | I G Bearden | H Beck | I Belikov | F Bellini | R Bellwied | S Beole | A Bercuci | Y Berdnikov | D Berenyi | L Betev | A Bhasin | L Bianchi | N Bianchi | C Bianchin | J Bielčík | J Bielčíková | A Bilandzic | D Blau | C Blume | A Bogdanov | L Boldizsár | M Bombara | J Book | H Borel | A Borissov | P Braun-Munzinger | M Bregant | M Broz | E Bruna | G E Bruno | D Budnikov | H Buesching | O Busch | Z Buthelezi | D Caffarri | H Caines | E Calvo Villar | P Camerini | F Carena | W Carena | J Castillo Castellanos | B Chang | S Chapeland | S Chattopadhyay | B Cheynis | V Chibante Barroso | D D Chinellato | P Chochula | P Christakoglou | C H Christensen | P Christiansen | T Chujo | S U Chung | C Cicalo | L Cifarelli | F Cindolo | J Cleymans | D Colella | G Conesa Balbastre | J G Contreras | T M Cormier | Y Corrales Morales | I Cortés Maldonado | P Cortese | M R Cosentino | F Costa | P Crochet | E Cuautle | L Cunqueiro | A Dainese | A Danu | D Das | I Das | A Dash | S Dash | S De | A De Caro | G de Cataldo | J de Cuveland | A De Falco | D De Gruttola | N De Marco | S De Pasquale | A Deloff | D Di Bari | A Di Mauro | T Dietel | R Divià | Ø Djuvsland | A Dobrin | B Dönigus | O Dordic | A K Dubey | L Ducroux | P Dupieux | D Elia | H Engel | B Espagnon | D Evans | J Faivre | A Fantoni | M Fasel | G Feofilov | A Fernández Téllez | E G Ferreiro | A Ferretti | J Figiel | M A S Figueredo | S Filchagin | D Finogeev | F M Fionda | M Floris | S Foertsch | P Foka | S Fokin | E Fragiacomo | U Frankenfeld | U Fuchs | C Furget | M Fusco Girard | J J Gaardhøje | M Gagliardi | M Gallio | P Ganoti | E Garcia-Solis | M Germain | P Ghosh | P Gianotti | E Gladysz-Dziadus | P Glässel | P González-Zamora | S Gorbunov | S Gotovac | V Grabski | L K Graczykowski | A Grelli | C Grigoras | V Grigoriev | A Grigoryan | S Grigoryan | J F Grosse-Oetringhaus | F Guber | R Guernane | B Guerzoni | K Gulbrandsen | T Gunji | C Hadjidakis | H Hamagaki | G Hamar | D Hatzifotiadou | H Helstrup | A Herghelegiu | G Herrera Corral | K F Hetland | P Hristov | T J Humanic | D S Hwang | R Ilkaev | M Inaba | M Ippolitov | M Ivanov | V Ivanov | P M Jacobs | M A Janik | P H S Y Jayarathna | R T Jimenez Bustamante | P G Jones | A Jusko | A Kalweit | V Kaplin | A Karasu Uysal | O Karavichev | T Karavicheva | E Karpechev | U Kebschull | R Keidel | P Khan | S A Khan | A Khanzadeev | Y Kharlov | B Kileng | B Kim | D J Kim | M Kim | T Kim | S Kirsch | I Kisel | S Kiselev | A Kisiel | J L Klay | J Klein | C Klein-Bösing | A Kluge | M L Knichel | M K Köhler | V Kondratiev | N Kondratyeva | A Konevskikh | M Kowalski | G Koyithatta Meethaleveedu | I Králik | F Krizek | M Krzewicki | C Kuhn | P G Kuijer | P Kurashvili | A Kurepin | A B Kurepin | A Kuryakin | S Kushpil | M J Kweon | P La Rocca | I Lakomov | C Lara | A Lardeux | R Lea | I León Monzón | P Lévai | B Erazmus | A G Knospe | T Kollegger | L Kumar | C Anson | S Bagnasco | Z Conesa Del Valle | R Grosso | S Choudhury | A M Gago | M Chartier | S Basu | N K Behera | G Bencedi | D Berzano | J Bhom | E Botta | C Ceballos Sanchez | A Collu | S Das | M A Diaz Corchero | A Dubla | L Feldkamp | A Feliciello | A Festanti | A Francescon | A Harton | S Hayashi | S T Heckel | B A Hess | V Kovalenko | A Kravčáková | J Kumar | R Langoy | S L La Pointe | N Agrawal | S Aiola | S N Alam | C Alves Garcia Prado | P C Batzing | C Bedda | V Belyaev | R A Bertens | I R Bhat | B Bhattacharjee | F Bock | T A Broker | A Caliva | M Colocci | P Dillenseger | D Domenicis Gimenez | R J Ehlers | S Evdokimov | C Gargiulo | S K Ghosh | A Gomez Ramirez | L Görlich | A Gupta | R Gupta | R Haake | N Hussain | D Hutter | C Jahnke | C Jena | P Kalinak | S Kar | D L D Keijdener | J S Kim | S Kim | G Kiss | C Kobdaj | M Kofarago | V Kučera | C Lagana Fernandes | A Lattuca | L Leardini | R C Lemmon | E Leogrande | Y Ding | S Acharya | J Adolfsson | M Al-Turany | D S D Albuquerque | Y Ali | L Altenkamper | D Andreou | H A Andrews | R Anwar | O W Arnold | B Audurier | M Ball | A M Barbano | L Barioglio | K Barth | E Bartsch | J L Bazo Alba | H Bello Martinez | L G E Beltran | A Bianchi | G Biro | R Biswas | S Biswas | J T Blair | G Boca | G Bonomi | M Bonora | C Bourjau | L Bratrud | E J Brucken | P Buhler | J B Butt | J T Buxton | J Cabala | A A Capon | F Carnesecchi | A J Castro | E A R Casula | S Chandra | W Chang | A Chauvin | S Cho | M Chojnacki | T Chowdhury | M Concas | S Costanza | J Crkovská | M C Danisch | C de Conti | R D De Souza | H F Degenhardt | A Deisting | C Deplano | P Dhankher | L V R Doremalen | S Dudi | A K Duggal | M Dukhishyam | E Endress | E Epple | F Erhardt | J Eum | L Fabbietti | V J G Feuillard | A Francisco | G G Fronze | A Furs | K Gajdosova | C D Galvan | K Garg | P Gasik | E F Gauger | M B Gay Ducati | J Ghosh | D M Goméz Coral | A S Gonzalez | V Gonzalez | K L Graham | L Greiner | J M Gronefeld | F Grosa | I B Guzman | J C Hamon | M R Haque | H Hassan | E Hellbär | E G Hernandez | H Hillemanns | C Hills | B Hohlweger | D Horak | S Hornung | R Hosokawa | C Hughes | T Hussain | S A Iga Buitron | M S Islam | V Izucheev | B Jacak | N Jacazio | M B Jadhav | S Jadlovska | J Jadlovsky | S Jaelani | M J Jakubowska | M Jercic | L Karayan | P Karczmarczyk | M Keil | B Ketzer | Z Khabanova | A Khatun | A Khuntia | M M Kielbowicz | D Kim | H Kim | J Kim | C Klein | S Klewin | E Kondratyuk | M Konyushikhin | M Kopcik | M Kour | C Kouzinopoulos | O Kovalenko | L Kreis | A M Kubera | A Kumar | S Kumar | S Kundu | Y S Lai | K Lapidus | E Laudi | R Lavicka | S Lee | F Lehas | S Lehner | J Lehrbach

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