Analyzing groupware adoption : a framework and three case studies in Lotus Notes deployment

The (business) value of information technology (IT) usage is debatable. The "computer paradox" is still in force. There is no demonstrable relationship between computer spending and organization profit. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the critical first step in generating value through IT, i. e., the adoption process. One product (Lotus Notes) in one class of software (groupware) has been chosen. The study analyzes the adoption process, focusing on the project/departmental level, in three Swedish companies of varying size and in different lines of business. The study is based on three longitudinal (one year) case studies. The main results from the study with regard to the adoption are: Adoption failed (completely and partially) in two cases and was (partially) successful in one case. The foci in the three cases with regard to application(s) were firstly co-ordination and secondly communication. In no case was collaboration of (primary) interest. The failed adoption attempts were characterized by; (1) a local point of introduction (combined with traditionally low central control within the companies); (2) little or no organizational Lotus Notes knowledge; (3) a complete dependence of external Lotus Notes consultants; (4) high ambitions about what the technology was going to accomplish. The successful adoption were characterized by; (1) a central point of introduction (combined with a traditional, strong central control within the company); (2) good organizational Lotus Notes knowledge; (3) a clearly defined role for external Lotus Notes consultants; (4) moderate and clearly defined ambitions about what the technology was going to accomplish. The main results from the study with regard to the theoretical framework are: The role of lead user is not a necessary factor for successful adoption. Local lead users (project leaders) were in a primary role in the failed adoption attempts. Both Critical Mass Theory and the Sociotechnical Perspective are too simplistic with regard to technology adoption in an organizational setting. In the Critical Mass Theory both technology aspects and management aspects need to be integrated, if applied to technology adoption. In the Sociotechnical Perspective management aspects need to be integrated, if applied to technology adoption. Not taking into account organizational decision making and organizational hierarchies make the perspective less than useful, if applied in an organizational setting.