Lecture Notes in Secret Sharing

[1]  Gábor Tardos,et al.  Secret sharing on trees: problem solved , 2009, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch..

[2]  Carles Padró,et al.  On secret sharing schemes, matroids and polymatroids , 2006, J. Math. Cryptol..

[3]  Carles Padró,et al.  Secret sharing schemes on access structures with intersection number equal to one , 2006, Discret. Appl. Math..

[4]  László Csirmaz,et al.  On an infinite family of graphs with information ratio 2 − 1/k , 2009, Computing.

[5]  Avi Wigderson,et al.  On span programs , 1993, [1993] Proceedings of the Eigth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference.

[6]  Alfredo De Santis,et al.  Graph decompositions and secret sharing schemes , 2004, Journal of Cryptology.

[7]  Ronald Cramer,et al.  Optimal Black-Box Secret Sharing over Arbitrary Abelian Groups , 2002, CRYPTO.

[8]  Alexei E. Ashikhmin,et al.  Almost Affine Codes , 1998, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[9]  Gustavus J. Simmons,et al.  How to (Really) Share a Secret , 1988, CRYPTO.

[10]  Carles Padró,et al.  Secret Sharing Schemes with Three or Four Minimal Qualified Subsets , 2005, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[11]  Satoru Fujishige,et al.  Polymatroidal Dependence Structure of a Set of Random Variables , 1978, Inf. Control..

[12]  Ueli Maurer,et al.  General Secure Multi-party Computation from any Linear Secret-Sharing Scheme , 2000, EUROCRYPT.

[13]  Josh Benaloh,et al.  Generalized Secret Sharing and Monotone Functions , 1990, CRYPTO.

[14]  Randall Dougherty,et al.  Non-Shannon Information Inequalities in Four Random Variables , 2011, ArXiv.

[15]  Randall Dougherty,et al.  Six New Non-Shannon Information Inequalities , 2006, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.

[16]  WEN-AI JACKSON,et al.  Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes on Five Participants , 1996, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[17]  Alfred Lehman,et al.  A Solution of the Shannon Switching Game , 1964 .

[18]  Helmut Knebl,et al.  Introduction to Cryptography: Principles and Applications (Information Security and Cryptography) , 2007 .

[19]  Douglas R. Stinson,et al.  Decomposition constructions for secret-sharing schemes , 1994, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[20]  Zhen Zhang,et al.  On Characterization of Entropy Function via Information Inequalities , 1998, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[21]  Randall Dougherty,et al.  Linear rank inequalities on five or more variables , 2009, ArXiv.

[22]  Amos Beimel,et al.  Secret Sharing and Non-Shannon Information Inequalities , 2011, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

[23]  Douglas R. Stinson,et al.  An explication of secret sharing schemes , 1992, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[24]  Adi Shamir,et al.  How to share a secret , 1979, CACM.

[25]  Amos Beimel,et al.  Secret-Sharing Schemes: A Survey , 2011, IWCC.

[26]  Ernest F. Brickell,et al.  On the classification of ideal secret sharing schemes , 1989, Journal of Cryptology.

[27]  G. R. BLAKLEY Safeguarding cryptographic keys , 1979, 1979 International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge (MARK).

[28]  Carles Padró,et al.  Optimal complexity of secret sharing schemes with four minimal qualified subsets , 2011, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[29]  Claude E. Shannon,et al.  Communication theory of secrecy systems , 1949, Bell Syst. Tech. J..

[30]  Adi Shamir,et al.  A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems , 1978, CACM.

[31]  Paul D. Seymour On secret-sharing matroids , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[32]  Douglas R. Stinson,et al.  Cryptography: Theory and Practice , 1995 .

[33]  M. Lunelli,et al.  Representation of matroids , 2002, math/0202294.

[34]  Marten van Dijk On the information rate of perfect secret sharing schemes , 1995, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[35]  Whitfield Diffie,et al.  New Directions in Cryptography , 1976, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[36]  Alfredo De Santis,et al.  Tight Bounds on the Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes , 1997, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[37]  Jessica Ruth Metcalf-Burton Improved upper bounds for the information rates of the secret sharing schemes induced by the Vámos matroid , 2011, Discret. Math..

[38]  Keith M. Martin,et al.  Geometric secret sharing schemes and their duals , 1994, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[39]  Ueli Maurer,et al.  Complete characterization of adversaries tolerable in secure multi-party computation (extended abstract) , 1997, PODC '97.


[41]  László Csirmaz,et al.  An impossibility result on graph secret sharing , 2009, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[42]  Frantisek Matús,et al.  Infinitely Many Information Inequalities , 2007, 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory.

[43]  Carles Padró,et al.  Secret sharing schemes with bipartite access structure , 2000, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[44]  László Csirmaz,et al.  The Size of a Share Must Be Large , 1994, Journal of Cryptology.

[45]  Helmut Knebl,et al.  Introduction to Cryptography , 2002, Information Security and Cryptography.

[46]  Avi Wigderson,et al.  Completeness theorems for non-cryptographic fault-tolerant distributed computation , 1988, STOC '88.