Decays of Supersymmetric Particles --- the Program SUSY-HIT
Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland(Received November 15, 2006)We present the program package SUSY-HIT SUspect-SdecaY-Hdecay-InTerface for the computation of supersymmetric particle decays withinthe framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the StandardModel. The code is based on two existing programs HDECAYand SDECAYforthe calculation of the decaywidths and branchingratios of, respectively, theMSSM Higgs bosons and the SUSY particles, and calls a program for thecalculation of the SUSY particle spectrum such as SuSpect. Including allimportant higher order effects, the packageallows the consistent calculationof the MSSM particle spectrum and decays with the presently highest levelof precision.PACS numbers: 12.15.–y, 12.60.–i