Interpretation is one of the important elements in heritage tourism that is influenced by two types of interpretive media which are personal and non-personal. The non-personal interpretive media is a common interpretive media that exists at heritage sites.Digital media as the innovation in interpretive media could be an effective way to inform and educate visitors compared to the traditional media types. However, the literature indicates that the existence of the digital media has not been fully utilized at cultural heritage sites specifically in Indonesia.This article
presents a study where 50 places of cultural heritage sites in Central and East Java were sampled.The results reveal that only 8% of those heritage site s provide the digital media by using audio and video as the non-
personal interpretive media for tourism. Since interpretive media is proven to influence visitors at cultural heritage sites, it is suggested that the electronic
non-personal interpretive media ought to be made available at cultural heritage sites.
Roy Ballantyne,et al.
Designing Interpretive Signs: Principles in Practice
M. Robinson,et al.
Interpretation in cultural tourism.
D. Light,et al.
Visitors' use of interpretive media at heritage sites.
David Uzzell,et al.
Interpreting our heritage: A theoretical interpretation
Gianna Moscardo,et al.
Interpretation and sustainable tourism: functions, examples and principles. [Reprint of original article published in v.9, no.1, 1998: 2-13.]