Complex Potential Theory

Analytic multifunctions and their applications, B. Aupetit Harmonic approximation on closed subsets of Riemannian manifolds, T. Bagby, P.M. Gauthier Pick interpolation, Von Neumann inequalities, and hyperconvex sets, B.J. Cole, J. Wermer Complex dynamics in higher dimensions, J.E. Fornass, N. Sibony Analytic functions on Banach spaces, T.W. Gamelin Uniform approximation, P.M. Gauthier Plurisubharmonic functions and their singularities, C.O. Kiselman Chebyshev-type quadratures - use of complex analysis and potential theory, J. Korevaar General aspects of potential theory with respect to problems of differential equations, N.N. Takhanov Removability, capacity and approximation, J. Verdera Semigroups of holomorphic isometries, E. Vesentini.