Website Tenders Evaluation Using Fuzzy Logic

Developinganewwebsiteforagovernmentinstitutionisoneofcommontendersissuedbyvarious ministriesandgovernmentinstitutionsintheworld.ThecountryofJordanusuallyhasatleast22 differentministriesandgovernmentinstitutionsatagiventime.Eachoneoftheseentitieshasits officialwebsitewhichisrevampedeverythreeyearsbecauseoftherapidchangesininformation andtechnology.Inmostcasestheministriesandinstitutionsissueatendertothepublic,thenafter collectingtenderoffersfromdifferentcompanies,onlyoneofferwouldbeselected.Theselection processwouldchoosethemostappropriatecontractortodelivertheprojectwithrespecttoquality, timeandcost.Thisarticlepresentsanewfuzzylogicsystemfortenderevaluationwhichisbasedon boththetechnicalqualificationofthebiddercompanyanditsexperience.Theproposedsystemhas shownbetterperformanceevaluationwhencomparedtothetraditionalevaluationmethodcurrently usedbythegovernment. KEyWoRdS Fuzzy Controller Logic (FIC), Mamdani Model, Tender Evaluation, Tender for Website Development

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