Shear Friction Strength based on Limit Analysis for Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) is distinguished from the normal concrete by outstanding compressive and tensile strength. Cracked normal concrete resists shear by aggregate interlocking while clamped by transverse reinforcement, which is called as shear friction theory. Cracked UHPFRC is expected to have a different shear transfer mechanism due to rather smooth crack face and post-cracking behavior under tensile force. Twenty-four push-off specimens with transverse reinforcement are tested for four different fiber volume ratio and three different ratio of reinforcement along the shear plane. The shear friction strength for monolithic concrete are suggested by limit analysis of plasticity and verified by test results. Plastic analysis gives a conservative, but reasonable estimate. The suggested shear friction factor and effectiveness factor of UHPFRC can be applied for interface shear transfer design of high-strength concrete and fiber reinforced concrete with post-cracking tensile strength.