Cylindrical samples containing 0.59 mm to 0.84 mm diameter silica sand at about 97% and 55% ice saturation (the ratio of ice volume to sand pore volume) were tested at a temperature of −12° C in triaxial compression. Both constant axial strain-rate tests and step-stress creep tests provide information on the influence of confining pressure on the shear strength and creep behavior of the sand–ice material. Changes in the degree of ice saturation help show the influence of the ice matrix versus the sand material on the mechanical behavior. Data are discussed in terms of the Mohr–Coulomb failure law and creep theories. It is shown that the cohesive component of strength depends on response of the ice matrix, whereas the frictional component of strength responds in a manner very similar to unfrozen sand tested at high confining pressures. Experimental data show that creep rates decrease exponentially and creep strength increases with an increase in confining pressure.
R. Perham,et al.
The mechanical behaviour of frozen earth materials under high pressure triaxial test conditions
Orlando B. Andersland,et al.
Time-Dependent Strength Behavior of Frozen Soils
Ronald F. Scott,et al.
The freezing process and mechanics of frozen ground
O. Andersland,et al.
Mechanical Properties of a Sand-Ice System
Kenneth L. Lee,et al.
Drained Strength Characteristics of Sands
John H. Schmertmann,et al.
An Experimental Study of the Development of Cohesion and Friction with Axial Strain in Saturated Cohesive Soils
H. Dines.
‘Soil’ Mechanics