Work motivation in the context of a globalizing economy

Contents: M. Erez, U. Kleinbeck, H. Thierry, Preface. M. Erez, D. Eden, Introduction: Trends Reflected in Work Motivation. Part I:Work Motivation--The Individual Level. U. Kleinbeck, M. Erez, Introduction. E.A. Locke, Self-Set Goals and Self-Efficacy as Mediators of Incentives and Personality. R.E. Wood, J. George-Falvy, S. Debrowski, Motivation and Information Search on Complex Tasks. J. Wegge, U. Kleinbeck, K-H. Schmidt, Goal Setting and Performance in Working Memory and Short-Term-Memory Tasks. D. Eden, Means Efficacy: External Sources of General and Specific Subjective Efficacy. Z. Millman, G. Latham, Increasing Reemployment Through Training in Verbal Self-Guidance. M. Frese, Personal Initiative (PI): The Theoretical Concept and Empirical Findings. A.N. Kluger, Feedback-Expectation Discrepancy, Arousal and Locus of Cognition. A.K. Korman, Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection: Toward a Theory of Work Motivation. W. Van Eerde, H. Thierry, VIE Functions, Self-Set Goals, and Performance: An Experiment. H. Thierry, The Reflection Theory on Compensation. Part II:The Group Level. U. Kleinbeck, Introduction. D.R. Ilgen, L. Sheppard, Motivation in Work Teams. U. Kleinbeck, J. Wegge, K-H. Schmidt, Work Motivation and Performance in Groups. J.A. Algera, Performance Management of Self-Managing Teams and Organizational Control Systems. G.B. Graen, C. Hui, Approaches to Leadership: Toward a Complete Contingency Model of Face-to-Face Leadership. Part III:The Organization Level. H. Thierry, Introduction. B. Schneider, D.B. Smith, M.C. Paul, P-E Fit and the Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model of Organizational Functioning: Introduction and Overview. A. Rafaeli, Employee-Organizational Relationships in Employment Ads. K.J. Klein, Creating a Strong, Positive Climate for Technology Implementation: Organizations Should, But Often Don't...Why? L.W. Porter, G.A. Bigley, Motivation and Transformational Leadership: Some Organizational Context Issues. K.A. Hanisch, C. Hulin, S.T. Seitz, Temporal Dynamics and Emergent Properties of Organizational Withdrawal Models. M. Koslowsky, Some New Organizational Perspectives on Moderators and Mediators in the Stress-Strain Process: Time Urgency, Management, and Worker Control. Part IV:The Cultural Level. M. Erez, Introduction. K. Leung, Different Carrots for Different Rabbits: Effects of Individualism--Collectivism and Power Distance on Work Motivation. S. Ronen, Self-Actualization Versus Collectualization: Implications for Motivation Theories. P.C. Earley, Understanding Social Motivation From an Interpersonal Perspective: Organizational Face Theory. N. Nicholson, An Evolutionary Perspective on Change and Stability in Personality, Culture, and Organization. Part V:Summary. M. Erez, Introduction. M.H. Bond, Surveying the Foundations: Approaches to Measuring Group, Organizational, and National Variation.