Ethernet Based In-Service Reconfiguration of SoCs in Telecommunication Networks

The development of nextugeneration telecommunication infrastructure meets a number of demanding challenges. Complex functionality, highest bandwidth demands, short development cycles and dynamic market requirements are combined with emerging technologies where standardization is not complete or subject to change. This involves a high risk of errors and nonuconformances. Once the equipment is deployed, the update of chips is expensive and timeuconsuming, requiring reuspins of the devices and field exchange of circuit packs. Reconfigurable SystemsuonuChip will facilitate to accommodate changes subsequent to the deployment and thus significantly reduce failure costs. In this paper we present a new reconfiguration technology for SystemsuonuChip in a telecommunication network: design parts of deployed devices are updated based on information distributed to the SystemsuonuChip with inuband Ethernet packet streams while the network equipment stays in service.