Calculated spectra for the dosimetry of D2O-moderated neutrons.

Leakage neutron spectra from spheres of D,O (2-50 cm radius) containing fission sources distributed uniformly throughout the volume or located at the center of the spheres were computed using the 05R Monte Carlo code. The cross-sections of several activation (lo3Rh, ”’In and ”S) and damage track (237Np, r32Th and 238U) detectors were averaged over these spectra to study the change in the response of the detectors per unit dose delivered by neutrons having the calculated spectral shapes. The response of Np, Rh and In dosimeters changed by less than 10% for all these spectra. From the viewpoint of energy response, such detectors would therefore be suitable for monitoring areas in which there is a high radiation field or a risk of a critical excursion involving D,O-moderated fission neutrons.