Modelling of Binaural Listening Situation and Its Realization by Using Tenth Scaled-Down Modelling-Technique

A normal listening situation in a room involes, at least, a listener who has a pair of functioning ears. The emphasis does lie on the word ears because our auditory system can be referred to as a final receiver in this listening situation, while the human external-ear can be observed as an antenna of acoustic signals in the sense of telecomunication. Generally speaking, a listening situation in a room usually contains one or several sound source(s). In the perspective of system theory, such a situation may be modelled by a transmission system between the inputs of sound sources and the outputs of receivers. This acoustic environment can often be described, particularly for one listener, by a linear time-invariant system with two outputs and probably several inputs (FigJ), if the source(s) and the receiver are not moving. Define an impulse response hi, between each input and each output, the relation between the output signals E, and the input signals Ij of the system can therefore be presented by the following equation: