The genetic studies were carried out in rajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to generate information on combining ability (general and specific) and nature and magnitude of gene effects through diallel mating design. The material for the present investigation comprised of 45 F1s generated by crossing ten diverse genotypes of rajmash in diallel mating design during kharif, 2007 at Pulse Research Sub-station, Habak SKUAST-K. The set of 45 test cross progenies along with their ten parents were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Farm, Pombai, SKUAST-K, Anantnag during kharif, 2008. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the parents and their crosses for all the characters studied. The variance due to GCA and SCA were significant for all the traits studied which showed importance of additive and non-additive effects in the inheritance of the traits. Estimates of average degree of dominance revealed preponderance of over dominance for all traits studied. Genotypes SKUA-R-607 and SKUA-R-608 genotypes showed high combining ability for yield and yield attributing traits in rajmash, whereas SKUA-R-602 x SKUA-R-612, SKUA-R-602 x SKUA-R-106, Shalimar Rajmash-1 x SKUA-R-153, SKUA-R-607 x SKUA-R-609, SKUA-R607 x SKUA-R-23, SKUA-R-608 x SKUA-R-106, SKUA-R-608 x SKUA-R-153, SKUA-R-609 x SKUA-R-91 and SKUA-R-91 x SKUA-R-23 were the most promising crosses that revealed desirable effects for yield and yield related traits. The component analysis indicated preponderance of non-additive gene effects in the inheritance of all the traits studied. Net dominance effect over all loci in heterozygotes (ĥ2) was significant and positive for all traits indicating unidirectional dominance which was also confirmed from the value of Ĥ2/4 Ĥ1 that indicated asymmetrical gene distribution. The value of KD/KR was more than one indicating presence of excess of dominant genes in parents, which was also verified by ĥ2/Ĥ2 value in most of the cases. Heritability in narrow sense was observed to be low for all the traits.
S. Alghamdi.
Heterosis and combining ability in a diallel cross of eight faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes.
P. Sofi,et al.
Combining Ability and Gene Action Studies over Environments in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.)
F. Carvalho,et al.
Capacidade combinatria como critrio de eficincia na seleo de genitores em feijoeiro
B I Hayman,et al.
The Theory and Analysis of Diallel Crosses. III.
B. Hayman.
H. Singh,et al.
Assessment of Combining Ability for Some Quantitative Characters in Edible Podded Pea (Pisum Sativum Var. Macrocarpum)
K. Singh,et al.
Analysis of diallel cross in Phaseolus aureus roxb
Theoretical and Applied Genetics.
M. Sharma,et al.
Combining ability analysis for yield and yield components in pea (Pisum sativum L.).
A. T. A. Júnior,et al.
Diallel analysis of the combining ability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars
S. Narayan,et al.
Genetics of yield and quality traits in garden pea.
D. Singh,et al.
Combining ability and heritability in rice
C. S. Piper,et al.
Soil and Plant Analysis