Current management of duplex-system ureteroceles: experience with 41 patients.

Experience is described of 41 infants and children with duplex-system ureteroceles, 25 presenting clinically and 16 by prenatal ultrasonography. Bladder outflow obstruction was rare but lower polar vesicoureteric reflux (VUR), usually of lesser grades, was common. Upper polar function, as assessed by 99mTc-DMSA, was negligible in children with truly ectopic ureteroceles but well preserved in those where the lesion lay wholly intravesically. Lower polar function was good, even in the presence of secondary obstruction, except in 2 infants with major VUR. Twenty-three patients were treated by upper polar nephrectomy plus aspiration of the ureterocele; 2 subsequently required ureterocele excision. Histology of excised specimens indicated that a more conservative approach would not have been rewarded. Where upper polar function was good, conservation was maintained in 3 cases by pyelopyelostomy and in 5 more by excision of the ureterocele plus bipolar ureteric reimplantation. Other operative strategies were employed in 2 cases. Finally, a defined group of 8 children was managed expectantly without untoward results. It was concluded that the variable anatomy and function associated with duplex-system ureteroceles require a flexibile approach to treatment, including, possibly, no treatment at all.